This holiday season Santa has decided to preserve the fundamentals in Life.
Instead of rocking out to Guitar Hero, why not learn the actual instrument? And, sometimes going back to
the books could be better for our youth than good 'ol Wikipedia, social media and internet games.
And while retreating, why bother with modernization when you could truly live it up
the old fashion way? Not only does it enhance the experience and captures the essence of the atmosphere,
but it conserves energy, too!
Lastly, Life should never be too busy for a nice, hearty, home-cooked meal...
So, toss out the menus, fire up the those logs, grab a good book or the acoustics guitar and
get back to the basics of what makes Life worth living.
Happy Holidays from The 'Cool' Team!

Friday, December 16, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dude, Save The 'Stache!
For those of you who didn't know, it's MOVEMBER! A charity event held annually in November that challenges men to grow a mustache to raise funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer. So, go ahead and let it grow and manifest into its own being. Who knows, you might actually pick up more dates with your new furry face! Be sure to share this information with the men (women as well because every woman knows a man and vice versa!) in your life because it's imperative that we are aware so we can battle this together!
Learn more about 'Movember' here:
Learn more about 'Movember' here:
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!!!!
Feel to share this e-card with your buddies!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
"Ignite Change" Green Long Beach Promo Video is Up!
UPDATE!!! As of 6/9/2011 10:31 A.M.
The video is here! Check it out peeps! And be sure to ask yourselves, "What can YOU do to help save the planet?"
The video is here! Check it out peeps! And be sure to ask yourselves, "What can YOU do to help save the planet?"
In this short/promotional video we collaborated with Green Long Beach! to bring
you a segment about the importance of preserving our resources and cleaning up
our carbon footprints. All it takes is for one person to "ignite" and find a way to
contribute and empower others to do take action by simply taking action!
Introducing a new neighborhood in Cool Town! This is just a sneak peek at a few characters and set pieces from our upcoming video "Ignite Change" for the Green Long Beach Festival happening on June 11th 2011. The video will be posted at the end of the week so be sure to check back for it. Some of the sets that we built may not make the cut for this video, but will certainly be in our future projects, including short sketches and glimpses into "The Suburbs"! More photos to come and please feel free to comment....we loooooove to hear from our viewers!
Scroll down for more info on the Green Long Beach Festival!
Remember these days? Class Photo!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
"The Notorious 101" is finally available for viewing!
It's finally here and ready to watch! Our latest collaborative project with Umbrella House Productions, "The Notorious 101" is a spec-spot for's Brisk Ice Tea Video Competition. Co-Directors, Carol Ras- of Cool Town & Greg Whitehead of Umbrella House, saw this challenge as an opportunity to finally work alongside one another as Directors. And, this is only the beginning of many future collaborations!
About the Contest:
About the Contest:
The contest brief is to create a video between 30-60 seconds long demonstrating what we felt needed to be more "Brisk" is Life. The idea that spawned was a no-brainer being that both productions are Los Angeles based and know much about the chaotic, hot-mess-of-a-traffic-system we so graciously love to half-heartedly tan in. So, naturally and immediately, this became the concept that we kicked into gear and began developing.
And, unlike the traditional Cool Towners, these characters have FACES--WHOA!!! Is this a new realm for Cool Town? Possibly. But nonetheless, the faceless characters are somewhat of a trademark, however, that won't stop us from exploring and taking you in different parts of this fictional world where there are characters with features and other strange, unique and rather unusual traits. Be on the lookout!
And, unlike the traditional Cool Towners, these characters have FACES--WHOA!!! Is this a new realm for Cool Town? Possibly. But nonetheless, the faceless characters are somewhat of a trademark, however, that won't stop us from exploring and taking you in different parts of this fictional world where there are characters with features and other strange, unique and rather unusual traits. Be on the lookout!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Word from Liberty Layne!
Thank You to all those who voted for our Pepsi Refresh idea! We are truly humbled by your support, but we're not quite done yet---to be granted we need to be within the top 10 ideas in our tier and category. So please, please continue to vote everyday and share the link with your friends and family. Oh, and you can also 'Power Vote' for our idea using the code provided with a specially marked bottle of Pepsi (you can find this under the cap or on the packaging for cans) this could give us up to an additional 100 votes, which we could really use!! Your time and efforts have not gone unnoticed.=) Take it from Liberty and VOTE!! You're all officially, 'Fresher Than Cool'. ;) To vote for our idea go to: (if you're using a computer, this link should take you directly to our page) *NOTE* If you're accessing the link via a mobile device you can search for us by category under "arts & music" in the 50K Tier. To help you better identify our idea, you will see a thumbnail of our current Facebook Profile picture (below) along with the name: Carol Rasaphangthong. Please let us know if you have any trouble voting. Thank you in advance for you continuous support! ;) -The "Cool" Team- P.S. Be sure to tune back in for more details about our idea! =)
(Current Facebook Profile Picture: Look for this thumbnail when searching for our idea!)
Friday, May 13, 2011
VOTE for our Pepsi Refresh Project!!!
Hey Everyone!!!
THIS IS IMPORTANT! Our idea to hold a "Fresher Than Cool" concert, that will be filmed for a future documentary, is a Pepsi Refresh Project finalist! Pepsi will give us 50K if you vote us to #1! So keep voting and spread the word. Select acts will play for a crowd which will vote for the prize winners. And there will be some nifty prizes! ;) Did we say VOTE? Go
We only have until the end of May to rank #1, so please take a couple of seconds (it literally takes 2 seconds) to cast your votes! Don't hesitate to retweet and share the link with your friends and family! I'd do it for YOU! ;)
Please also note that if you're logging in to vote from your mobile device that you can search for our idea under the "arts & music" category in the 50K tier and I believe it's on the fourth page under"Fresher Than Cool: Hold talent show for musicians..." and my name (Carol Rasaphangthong) will be on there as well. You can also vote by texting 106266 to Pepsi (73774) *Standard text messaging rates may apply. It's much easier to vote from a computer (it's 3 clicks and BAM you're done!). Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any trouble.
LASTLY: If you happen to purchase a specially marked bottle of Pepsi, be sure to look under the cap for a 'Power Vote' code and vote for us with it: It gives us up to an extra 100 votes with the code! Thanks to all who have Voted and spread the love! Your support has not gone unnoticed! Believe me, I'm monitoring! ;)
Thank you in advance for your time and support, I truly appreciate your efforts!
-Carol k. Ras-
& The Cool Team!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
"Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" Ep.4 Highlights Abbey Scott!
Cool Town Claymation's newest segment "Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" highlights singer/songwriter, Abbey Scott. Read more about Abbey Scott below!
Abbey Scott began her journey in pursing her musical career as a songwriter. Her ability to capture emotions and frame moments into words doesn't limit her to just inking them, but she would later discover her desire to sing them as well.
Her lyrics are refreshing and her music are both deep and energetic---from a unique concept to an obvious subject, Abbey's innovation shines. She is currently writing with other artists while compiling a demo of her own. She plans to shop her music for potential commercial usage---films, television, etc. as she continues crafting her artistry. Abbey is also hoping to do more shows. So, be on the lookout, whether it's sung by her or not, it's only a matter of time before you hear an Abbey Scott song hit the surface.
Abbey is also a Host & Reporter, Actress & Model. You can peep her Hosting Reel on her YouTube page or link to it from her website. (links below)
Abbey's Official Website:
Listen to more of Abbey's music here:
"Like" her Facebook Page here:
Cool Town is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible-stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We are looking for underground, indie, unsigned musicians in all genres who want to gain free exposure and add to their following. This is an opportunity to be headlined in our growing community; we'll conduct an interview, feature the artists' material and highlight the artists in their own personal segment we call "Fresher Than Cool" hosted by Cool Town's very own Claymation VJ's.
Email: for more info!
Email: for more info!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Podcast With The Aristrocrats!
Peep the podcast that I was on with The Aristrocrats, which included Kahlier Hart who is the voice of our very own "Liberty Layne" (also a cast memmber of the Aristrocrats), in downtown Van Nuys! I had a blast spreading the word about Cool Town and our newest adventure, "Fresher Than Cool". We talked about some interesting and thought provoking topics as well. Check it out:
Kahlier Hart with mini-Klay-lier, "Liberty Layne" (in set) during the podcast.
-Carol K. Ras-
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
"Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" Ep. 3 Highlights Cash Campain!
Cool Town Claymation's newest segment "Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" highlights musical artist, Cash Campain. Download "The Too Solid Mixtape" & read more about Cash Campain below!
Other Links:
Download Cash Campain's latest album, "The Too Solid Mixtape" here:
Cool Town is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible-stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We are looking for underground, indie, unsigned musicians in all genres who want to gain free exposure and add to their following. This is an opportunity to be headlined in our growing community; we'll conduct an interview, feature the artists' material and highlight the artists in their own personal segment we call "Fresher Than Cool" hosted by Cool Town's very own Claymation VJ's.
Email: for more info!
“Be one of the best at what you’re doing, after that, success is inevitable.” That is the motto of Cameron “Cash Campain” Parker, an R&B Soul singer who continues to make impressive and innovative marks on the entertainment industry. This singer, songwriter, clothing and record label owner finds a passion and peace in music that few can comprehend. After splitting time between two businesses, a music career and graduate school Campain is no stranger to hard work and feels it is his mission to bring back that “good old days” feeling to the music world. Other Links:
Download Cash Campain's latest album, "The Too Solid Mixtape" here:
Cool Town is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible-stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We are looking for underground, indie, unsigned musicians in all genres who want to gain free exposure and add to their following. This is an opportunity to be headlined in our growing community; we'll conduct an interview, feature the artists' material and highlight the artists in their own personal segment we call "Fresher Than Cool" hosted by Cool Town's very own Claymation VJ's.
Email: for more info!
Monday, March 7, 2011
"Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" Musician Highlight Ep. 2 Ron Deuce "The Truth"
Cool Town Claymation's newest segment "Fresher Than Cool: Mic The Unheard" highlights Ron Deuce "The Truth". Download "My Gift To You" & read more about Ron Deuce below!
"I am a Music Artist who has traveled numerous times across the U.S. My mission is to give my account on life in order to inspire, push, and communicate with people. Music is my weapon, and Music is my peace." -Ron Deuce "The Truth"
Other Links:
Download Ron Duece's latest album "My Gift To You" here:
Cool Town is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible-stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We are looking for underground, indie, unsigned musicians in all genres who want to gain free exposure and add to their following. This is an opportunity to be headlined in our growing community; we'll conduct an intereview, feature the artists' material and highlight the artists in their own persnal segment we call "Fresher Than Cool" hosted by Cool Town's very own Claymation VJ's.
Email: for more info!
"I am a Music Artist who has traveled numerous times across the U.S. My mission is to give my account on life in order to inspire, push, and communicate with people. Music is my weapon, and Music is my peace." -Ron Deuce "The Truth"
Other Links:
Download Ron Duece's latest album "My Gift To You" here:
Cool Town is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible-stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We are looking for underground, indie, unsigned musicians in all genres who want to gain free exposure and add to their following. This is an opportunity to be headlined in our growing community; we'll conduct an intereview, feature the artists' material and highlight the artists in their own persnal segment we call "Fresher Than Cool" hosted by Cool Town's very own Claymation VJ's.
Email: for more info!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Harry Potter & The "Cool" Team!
This project came to me as a gift for a 'Harry Potter' fan. When I was first approached about it, I thought, "This is a piece of cake!" but to my surprise, it wasn't! When Jen and I got started, things went very smoothly. The base with the landscaping came out well and exceeded our expectations. We then moved on to the garage...BAM...done in just a few minutes...then..."The Burrow"...
Our initial attempt was disastrous! It was off scale and way too heavy. This was a difficult and quite challenging project for us because we had to build this set for durability given that it would be shipped to our client once completed. By the time we'd come to discover that we failed at our first attempt, it was well into the next morning and we'd been up around the clock at this point. So, we called it a morning.
We returned to the project two weeks later. And, fortunately, because of our trial and error session we had a better understanding of how to go about building the house. Not to mention we had plans to attend a paneling for Oscar nominated Art Departments and either it was a total coincidence or simply fate, but the 'Harry Potter' Art Team so happen to be one of this year's Oscar nominees and was on the panel. We did some prep work and then took off to the Oscar paneling. Aside from the seminar being extremely inspiring and beyond humbling, we got a chance to meet and speak to the Supervising Art Director, Neil Lamont and Set Decorator, Stephanie McMillan, from 'Harry Potter'! Besides the fact that they were a joy and a pleasure to meet, we chatted with them a bit about our project and our attempt to replicate The Weasley's home, with partially recycled materials. Neil was blown away by the idea and reassured us that it would be difficult. Nonetheless, he gave us some great advice and suggested a few ways to approach it. Stephanie was really informative on how she came up with the decorative concept for the interior, which will be put into great use when we decide to revisit 'Harry Potter' themed projects!
Overall, it was such a fun set to replicate and having been able to meet the creative minds that contributed to the vision of the actual film itself, was truly a cherry-on-top for us! It was like meeting our Lady Gaga being that we are primarily Production Designers/Art Directors ourselves. Not only that, but we got to meet the Art team from 'Inception' as well, and just missed the opportunity to meet Team 'Alice' who took home the Oscar's for Best Art Direction...darn...maybe next time!
Anyhow, enough rambling...Check out the results below! =) Enjoy!
Carol K. Ras-
Materials used:
The house itself was made out of cereal boxes and various materials. The garage was made out of cardboard for the base and a paper towel roll to complete the top. The car and the chimney are made out of hardening clay. The base is made with foamcore and the landscaping is a diorama kit that was purchased.
The house itself was made out of cereal boxes and various materials. The garage was made out of cardboard for the base and a paper towel roll to complete the top. The car and the chimney are made out of hardening clay. The base is made with foamcore and the landscaping is a diorama kit that was purchased.
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